Barbados Island Secrets
What makes Barbados truly special!

I'd like you tell you a secret about what inspires me most about our beautiful Barbados island.
It's not what you may think!
It's not the golden sand beaches. Nor the charming villas. Or even the dreamy sunsets.
But let's start with the people of this special Barbados island. (Note: You can skip to the bottom of this page to see more magical locations in Barbados)
People of Barbados

Shane and Brian -High school buddies
It's a small country (21 miles long) so you may very well run into guys like Shane and Brian. Shane heads an accounting team at a large firm in Barbados.
Brian finished his MBA in Canada (many Bajans get their degrees in the US, Canada, or the UK) and he now works for a mutual fund firm in Barbados.
The picture above depicts their after-hour version of financial statement analysis! :-)
Meet Stephen:

Stephen- one of my first mentors
You could just as easy catch him at the Ship Inn beach-bar or working on some big Crop Over event..
If you do catch him at the Ship Inn, he'll be the guy with a Johnnie Walker Black in hand.
Great guy!
Rupert is another good friend. He rose to national fame and international recognition as a song-writer and performer.

Rupert- better known as Rupee
The folks at Atlantic Records did. He ended up winning a recording contract and landed a hit single on a movie starring Pierce Brosnan.
All from a guy that was known more for his killer forehand shot in table tennis (ping pong).
You can catch him performing in a Barbados island show or on the international stage.
He's a pretty competitive guy.
Let's just say it may be best if you didn't bring up table tennis in conversation!

Adrian Green -Poet
Three local slam titles later, he still actively writes and performs about the Bajan experience as it relates to race and the African diaspora.
You may catch up with him at the Limelight Cafe. Check back on this page, I will post some videos of him shortly.
Another great Bajan guy and childhood friend.
Barbados People and Life
Donna, Serwaa, and Michele are doctors. Hopefully you'll only run into them out on the town. Joy-ann is an actuary.

L to R -Donna, Serwaa, Joy-ann, and Michele.
More answers to the Why Barbados question:
Barbados Pictures
This is a short photo gallery of Barbados Andromeda Gardens, one of my favorite locations on this island.
Barbados Tourist Attractions
St Nicholas Abbey is one of the oldest homes of its kind in the western hemisphere.
Barbados Scenery
Barbados scenery is nothing short of breathtaking, but some locations retain a strange popularity based on their history alone.
Barbados Hiking
A unique and magical way to see the island.
Check back on this Barbados island page. We will add more pictures that depict Bajan life and I'll introduce you to more friendly Bajans.
If you have any experiences you would like to share, do
contact me directly.
Top of Barbados Island people
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